About Festival
More than Five Decades of Arts and Culture
History of Festival
In 1969, Alexander Calder’s sculpture “La Grande Vitesse” was installed in front of City Hall in downtown Grand Rapids. The National Endowment for the Arts chose Grand Rapids as the first recipient of their public art works initiative nearly 50 years ago with Alexander Calder’s work.
Festival began in 1970 – a grand celebration of the arts in West Michigan, inspired by the 1969 installation of Alexander Calder’s “La Grande Vitesse” (“The Great Swiftness”). From the beginning, the vibrant red stabile served as the backdrop to Festival, as well as a symbol of the City of Grand Rapids.

That first Festival showcased just a few art displays and two performance stages, plus a few food booths.
Over the years, Festival’s popularity grew to include most of downtown Grand Rapids. Families enjoyed local performers at several stages, art shows and activities for families – all free of charge – as well as an assortment of tasty offerings from food booths operated by nonprofit organizations.
Our Strategic Plan
Our vision:
To be the premier arts festival in Michigan that is free, accessible, and welcoming to all. A celebration that elevates and supports a diverse set of artistic voices and visions from around the state with an emphasis on regional artistic talent.
Our mission:
We are art for all, from all. We create an immersive joyful experience and a welcoming community for celebrating, collaborating with, and participating in the multiplicity of our cultures.

Our Future
As we look ahead to the future of Festival, our strategic plan includes ways to:
- Broaden our community engagement with emphasis on cultural diversity.
- Attract artists and performers who reflect our growing community.
- Attract cultural culinary professionals and local restaurants to add to the Festival food scene, while retaining the diverse nonprofit organizations.
- Innovate our sources of revenue through creative recognition of sponsors and partnerships.
- Increase community engagement and relationships through our website and social media.
Festival Board of Directors

Melissa Bush
Board Chairperson
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

Eddie Tadlock
Vice Chairperson
ASM Global

Glenn Del Vecchio
Grand Rapids Ballet

Jeff Kaczmarczyk
Freelance Writer and Community Arts Activist

Missy Summers
Executive Director
Festival of the Arts

Adrienne Brown-Reasner

Juan Daniel Castro
Corewell Health

Nadeem Hamid
Ocean Inc.

Ken Knight
Valley Truck Parts

Jamie MacLangs
Kent County

Emily Miller
Allendale Public Schools

Stephanie Naito
Meijer Inc.

Evette Pittman
City of Grand Rapids

Paul Skentzos

Bill Warners
Warner Norcross + Judd LLP
Mayor Rosalynn Bliss
Mayor of Grand Rapids
50 Years of Community Vision